I had another seizure early yesterday morning, and woke up yesterday afternoon in my own room. I think that's a definite silver lining to having the emergency buzzer pulled for me all the time!
The neurologists looking after me are still stumped what the actual problem is: the most anyone can tell me is scans and lumbar puncture results indicate I've got an infection in my CSF, but no-one knows quite what it is or what to do about it because I, generally, seem too well to have meningitis! I've started IV antiviral therapy (on top of the IV antibiotics I'm already on) on the off chance that it might work and this will last for 21 days. It's day 2 and I've already blown 2 cannulas. The plan is to take me to theatre next week to get a more permanent line in place.
My family and I have had 'words' with the nursing staff because there seem to have been a lot of assumptions made about my age, and therefore my abilities. I hate admitting it, but I'm currently every bit as disabled as the little old ladies I'm sharing this ward with. Since then the care has significantly improved and I'm feeling very well looked after :)
A dietician came to see me (the nurses are a bit shocked by how little I eat) and told me, in no uncertain terms, that living on two bowls of coco pops a day is not going to get me walking again... 1 point to James. We compromised: I'm allowed to order from the children's menu if I have 2 scrambled eggs for breakfast.
Love Emily x
P.s. I've never fully appreciated the pain of a tissued cannula until 100ml of acyclovir went through it :(
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