Friday, 3 April 2020

Days 4-12/82 of isolation

Days 4-12 of isolation have been spent doing, well, fuck all really. A high was receiving my 'shielding letter' in the post, because it clearly stated in black and white that I needed to remain at home for 12 weeks from the date of the letter, which was 21st March, and 2 days earlier than I started!!

I've applied for season 6 of Hunted,  somewhat succeeded at teaching my nan to use an iPad, and I'm dreaming of a trip abroad. I've been thinking of the dozens (hundreds?) of people I've met on my travels, and even heard from a few, and I hope they're all doing okay in their parts of the world.

I've also been watching a lot of daytime TV and saw that medical students have been green-lighted through their finals. In lieu of their final 6 months of training, I've written a handy list of top tips which I'm certain is a fair substitute (they must be read in the voice of a ruddy faced, upper class, middle aged man):
  1.  If in doubt, Google it. It’s quicker than the BNF.
  2. It’s wise to rule out a period before admitting for a PV bleed
  3. If the nurses are worried, you should be too
  4. Make the nurses tea whilst they sort it all out
  5. Stick ‘em with the pointy end
  6. If you’re sending them to labour suite, do try to make sure they’re pregnant
  7. Paracetamol if they’re hot
  8. Co-amxoiclav cures most things…
  9. …unless they’re allergic to penicillin. Then add in adrenaline and chlorphenamine.
  10. IVDUs are notoriously honest
  11. Do try to make sure they’re anaesthetised before operating
  12. A FBC buys valuable time
  13. If their heart stops, push push, blow blow!
  14. If 13 fails, try electrocuting them
  15. Messy handwriting disguises an ill-advised plan
Love Emily x

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Days 4-12/82 of isolation

Days 4-12 of isolation have been spent doing, well, fuck all really. A high was receiving my 'shielding letter' in the post, bec...