Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Day 7

Today, I had a shower AND sat in a chair (with a lot of help...). It's amazing how drastically what I'm pleased with has changed in less than a week.

I got some lumbar puncture results, too. The most probable diagnosis was Guillain-BarrĂ© syndrome, but the protein level in my CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) was normal so I don't have this. The LP did show that my CSF glucose level was very low compared to a blood glucose sample taken at the same time and there was also some blood and white blood cells in it, which indicates a spinal cord infection, but so far all of the infections screened for have been negative.

I think the plan is to transfer me to Addenbrooke's and repeat the lumbar puncture in a few days with some extra tests on the fluid.

I've also lost 5kg (~10lbs) since I've been here, making me well and truly underweight. I'm still incredibly knackered and doing an awful job of replying to your messages, texts, and comments but they've all been read and I hugely appreciate them, so thank you.

Love Emily x

P.s. I'm trying to get my mum to bring Jaws for a visit. Apparently there's some infection control issues around bringing cats into hospitals, especially shark cats with ASBOs, but I think with enough pressure from you guys she'll be forced to change her stance :)

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