Monday 19 October 2015

Graduation day

Last week I graduated from my training course, with a first class degree. This time last year I wanted to be able to walk across the stage by myself. That stopped being a challenge in February, so I upped the difficulty and aimed for doing it whilst wearing high heels. I managed it, even if they were sturdy and sensible, with a strap so I could keep them on.

For the seriously interested, you can watch the ceremony here - although I recommend saving an hour of your life and skipping to 35 minutes in!

Life is going really well in the Midlands. My house is great fun, if not what my mum expected. It's sort of a cross between Fresh Meat and Men Behaving Badly, but when living with 4 blokes gets a bit grating Abbie is always up for a drink - so I can't complain at all! I start my 'induction' stuff this week at Queens, and I'm sure once they've taught me to manually handle fires safely I'll remember how to be a midwife. That's the plan.

Love Emily x

Days 4-12/82 of isolation

Days 4-12 of isolation have been spent doing, well, fuck all really. A high was receiving my 'shielding letter' in the post, bec...