Monday 11 May 2015

Made A Difference

On Friday I had a fantastic night with some of the girls on my course, and a few of our tutors. It was a black tie dinner for the Made A Difference awards ceremony, which was put on by ARU. Earlier in the year students were given the opportunity to nominate any staff member who had made a positive difference. I nominated Fran, my personal tutor, for the constant unwavering support she's given me for the past 2.5 years.

In September 2012 I had no idea of what was to come, but I was aware I was in very precarious remission from Crohn's disease and dealing with the final weeks of a terminally ill close family friend's life. In 2013 an epilepsy diagnosis came out of nowhere, and the battle against Occupational Health began. Throughout all of this Fran fought my corner and came up with some great solutions to problems which I thought were insurmountable. In 2014 when life threw me another curve-ball and I lost the use of my legs, Fran communicated with my mum when I was too ill to do so myself. Her calmness and confidence that at some point, somehow, we could find a way round things to make me a midwife took the stress of my training away, and let me give my complete focus to learning to walk again. Even after my mobility had near enough returned to normal Fran realised I was too depressed to be back at work before I could admit that to myself, and made that difficult decision for me.

My nomination was read out at the ceremony, and Fran very deservedly won. We rounded the evening off nicely by taking full advantage of the free bar :)

Love Emily x

Tuesday 5 May 2015

I've had a pretty good few days!

On Sunday I ran my first 5km since my illness. I did it in an embarrassingly slow time, but 6 months ago I struggled to walk for 50m.

On Monday I was still infected by the running bug, so I entered the London Marathon ballot for the 3rd time. Paralysed to marathon in 18 months would be amazing!

Today, I delivered the prized 'baby number 40'. It's a great feeling knowing I can now go to where I need experience, and that's not necessarily where there's a pushing multip.

Tomorrow I'm going to the Indian embassy to get a visa. It also happens to be my birthday; I'm denying the 25% of a century thing by preparing for the travelling I should have been healthy enough to do earlier in my life.

All in all I'm very happy :)

Love Emily x

Days 4-12/82 of isolation

Days 4-12 of isolation have been spent doing, well, fuck all really. A high was receiving my 'shielding letter' in the post, bec...