Thursday, 7 March 2019


Marathon training wasn’t going brilliantly, and my first hospital admission of 2019 has buggered it right up!

It started off with the usual story: I felt generally unwell for a few days, my right kidney was a bit painful so I took my stand-by antibiotics, and on Monday my temperature was 38.3 so I called haematology.  Between calling the assessment line and arriving at the hospital I felt worse and worse, and by the time I arrived I was sweating and rigoring. Classic neutropenic sepsis.

That was 4 days ago and since then I’ve been on 3 types on IV antibiotics, had a kidney scan (my right one is inflamed, oedematous and bloody painful), and grown E-coli in my blood cultures. Pyelonephritis —> bactereamia (aka septicaemia!).

I still fully intent to drag my arse around 26.2 miles of London on 28th April. That’s got to be worth a tenner, surely?

Love Emily x

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