I’m writing this from the Heathrow departure lounge as Ben and I wait for our flight to Hanoi, where we’ll meet up with Clare (who I serendipitously met at Delhi airport who turned out to live <1 mile away, and has since become an amazing friend and travel buddy). The trip has barely started and already it’s been eventful, largely because Ben forgot her passport. She had travelled down south to stay with friends in Reading, and anxiously text me on Friday evening to let me know that her passport remained at her flat. Luckily her flatmate is one of the doctors at work, and was working on Saturday, so I spend a chunk of the day trying to track her down. Someone eventually responded to her pager and told me where to find her, so I went to theatre and she explained, whilst operating (on a patient who was luckily under general anaesthetic), where to find our friends travel documents.
My body didn’t want me to be lonely on my travels so it gave me another kidney stone for company. It started off as a bog-standard UTI which didn’t clear up after 2 rounds of oral antibiotics and evolved into pyelonephritis, which then turned into a stone. My GP referred me in to hospital, and they advised admission, but I’d rather be in pain in my own bed with the same analgesia as I’d get in hospital, plus cats, so I declined. I don’t think it’s come out yet (if last time was anything to go by then I’m sure I’d have noticed!) but nor is it causing me significant grief at the moment. It’s just hanging out in there; biding it’s time. I look forward to it.
Love Emily x
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