Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Very busy. Much travel. Wow.

Where to start?

New job: loving it. I’m neither stressed nor bored. Admittedly I don’t feel like I’ve got a clue what I’m doing but no-one seems to mind. 

Car: it’s done several lengths of the M1 and maintained power throughout so that’s progress. Unfortunately I did park it in a place that was on the periphery of legality and was midway through reporting it as stolen to the police before being informed it had been towed away. 

Poland: I was expecting a weekend of vodka fuelled debauchery, but instead I had pneumonia. Warsaw was lovely, just disappointingly civilised!

Iceland: not as icy as the name implies. Darryl and I walked inside a glacier, swam in a geothermal lagoon and spent 7 minutes sitting in the audience of an Icelandic poetry recital trying to keep straight faces/pretend we knew what was happening. We didn’t see the northern lights, but we did discover Icelandic Dominoes do vegan cheese on their pizzas, so I think we can call it a net win.

Upcoming trips: Latvia and Lithuania in January. Russia, Belarus, Estonia, Finland and Sweden in February. A break in March and April to focus on marathon training (link below, if you feel like donating!). Netherlands in May. China, Japan and South Korea in June. USA in September. 

Love Emily x 

Days 4-12/82 of isolation

Days 4-12 of isolation have been spent doing, well, fuck all really. A high was receiving my 'shielding letter' in the post, bec...