I woke up at 10am in Bucharest, still knackered from last nights late night, and the night shift the day before. Unfortunately this was also check-out time at the hostel, and my flight departed at 12:15. Realising that my plans for early-morning exploring had gone right down the shitter and there was no time to be experimenting with Romanian trams to get to the airport, I hopped in an Uber and arrived at the gate to be confronted with one of life’s most baffling mysteries: why do people clamour to get on a plane first? You already know what seat you’ll be in; it’s not like the good ones will be gone by the time you get there, and unless you’re in a window seat you’ll have to get up to let other people on anyway. Why would you opt to spend more time in an even less comfortable environment than the departure lounge? We all take off at the same time!
The flight to Switzerland flew over Lake Geneva (impressive) and was far less eventful than yesterday’s. My Franglais has improved just enough so I can walk into a shop to buy postcards and stamps and shopkeepers hesitantly respond in French, and don’t just roll their eyes and speak in their perfect English, so that’s something. As I was writing the postcards it occurred to me that a crack habit may well be a cheaper hobby than dicking around in foreign countries and spending a fortune on international stamps.
In other news, I’ve handed my notice in at work. Mentally and physically I just can’t do it any more. It’s no co-incidence I’m getting so many UTIs/kidney infections/kidney stones: it’s because I often don’t have time to use the bathroom during a 12.5 hour shift, or re-fill my 750ml water bottle. Every single day I’ll be asked “do you have kids?” by a couple, and the urge to reply with “no, and I swallow every time so I don't know what's going on” or “yes, but social services took them off me” gets stronger each time. It’s probably best to resign before I say that and get fired.
Love Emily x