18th July, whilst cycling to the pub, I was hit by a speeding car and knocked off my bike. I had cuts and bruises to my right thigh, right hip, both knees, sore left ribs, and a broken left arm and elbow - my bike was relatively unscathed! Because I was hit at >30mph and had multiple injury sites I was classed as a 'major trauma' patient and ended up in resus AGAIN. I was discharged the same night, and followed up in the fracture clinic where I had some fluid taken out of the elbow joint and some local anaesthetic injected in.
Since being hit I've been as high as giraffe balls on a cocktail of opiates, although it's still pretty painful. I obviously haven't been for a run recently and I've spent the majority of 16 days in a onesie with scruffy hair feeling fat, smelly, high on zomorph and a bit sorry for myself. Please cheer me up by helping me get my fundraising off to a good start, and I promise I'll get my arse in gear when I'm fixed!
Love Emily x